When I was at college the class was encouraged to attempt to illustrate our designs on paper on models, this isn't just drawing a stick person (or it can be if you want). Fashion illustration is an art in itself, I feel it sperate from other froms of art, it's not still life or simply drawing a model, there is method behind it. The model is elongated and slender, other wise it doesn't work.

Antoinette Fleur is a French illustrator, she works in felt tip pens, which I find quite different, her work is refreshing, i've never seen anything like it....

Here's a link for a template of illustration, have a go, you may become the next Kelly Smith.....
I feel in love with fashion illustrating then and still do it often. Anyway, I thought i'd share some of the work of my fav illustrators... Here we go....
David Downton is the man responsible for the M&S campaign with Twiggy and others on the bags. He has worked with many celebrites such as Erin O'conner, Lily Cole and Liz Hurley to name a few .....

Kelly Smith is my new fav, her work is stunning and flawless... She manages to capture the stares that have been seen in photographs of the models for such a long time. As many other illustrators work are often stylised, hers are different I feel they capture a simple innoncence.... (the 1st image at the top is also one of hers)

Antoinette Fleur is a French illustrator, she works in felt tip pens, which I find quite different, her work is refreshing, i've never seen anything like it....

Here's a link for a template of illustration, have a go, you may become the next Kelly Smith.....
Remember, fashion illustrations are 9 heads tall.